About True mamas…
Hi, I’m Margo, and I’m the founder and creator of True Mamas. My sister, Breanna, was with me at the beginning and helped me get started. She’s still my go-to for feedback and anything communications.
We are mothers and it is our favorite job. We believe motherhood is a gift, calling, job, and the most important project you will take on in your life. We are raising the future and we are honored to be a part of this tribe. Mothers take on so much and it can be overwhelming and lonely, especially as new moms. We are here because we want to support, empower, educate, advocate for and cheer on all the badass new mamas and make their lives easier after giving birth.
I'll dive right in. In 2017, I lost my first baby at the end of the first trimester. I was the happiest I'd ever been up until that point. It reaffirmed my calling to become a mother. I was lost and angry for a bit, until I was pregnant again. When I gave birth to my first daughter in 2018 it was transformative. I felt like a new person, yet more like myself than ever before. While it was such a new and confusing time, I found myself. I was tremendously inspired by this experience and the power of birth, the fourth trimester, or what's called matrescence. I want every new (& recurring) mother to have a positive and supportive postpartum experience, where they can heal properly and thrive as this new woman and mother. I felt the urge to help, encourage, and empower women during this time. Inspired by my own postpartum experience, that if it weren’t for a friend telling me about postpartum and giving me essential supplies, I would’ve been completely unprepared, so I wanted to create new mom care packages so others would also feel prepared to take care of themselves.
At the start of 2019, I quit my corporate engineering job to stay-at-home with my daughter and began my business called True Mamas, creating new mom care packages and giving back to mothers and babies in the community. My mission is to support new moms (mind, body, and spirit) by curating essential postpartum supplies and resources to help them thrive and blossom in the vulnerable fourth trimester. This has evolved into creating care packages for other difficult and transformative seasons of life (pregnancy loss and periods). Motherhood has ignited my passion for postpartum health and advocacy. I feel like this is only the beginning.